IN THE ETYMOLOGY OF ""NAVI"' ; ETYMOLOGY OF NABI ; ETYMOLOGY of MADIL (mavdil ); of "prophecy", what may be important is either "the order of sequences as spoken" and or "the most related to topic", OR, OF WHETHER OR NOT a prohecy could come true,...
...ALSO, THE IMPORTANCE OF WHETHER OR NOT THE PROHET THEMSELVES MAY KNOW WHAT TO DO ABOUT THE PROPHECY, i.e. the prophecy may need an interpreter or be in need of an inteligent explanation of what to do or what may come after, the prophecy itself.
...AND LIKEWISE, Defining a reality(a prophecy, by the wording, as-is) with an unrealistic OR realistic influence...? (...what seems realistic or unrealistic to the witnesses or readers or interpreters?)
Nabi (Forerunner Commentary) :: Bible Tools
Nabi literally means "to bubble up." It describes one who is stirred up in spirit. ... but biblical usage is more important than etymology.
According to 1 Corinthians 14:3
, “He that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort.” On this third segment of this powerful teaching series, Pastor Benny explains; “The gift of prophecy is not the ministry of preaching. It is not to tell the future. The gift of prophecy doesn’t go beyond the borders of edification, exhortation, and comfort. It is the living fire of Pentecost that will enflame and rekindle the hearts of men and women in the church!” Don’t miss Pastor Benny’s unusual story about “dead ducks.” You won’t forget this final message of this three-part series!
Are you ready to hear God’s voice, especially in light of today’s chaotic world conditions? Are you prepared for a fresh anointing? Pointing to passages and examples throughout the Word of God, Pastor Benny Hinn shares the gifts of the spirit. He says, “The prophetic will not work in a church that has five minutes of hymns, and then sits down. The prophetic works when worship becomes intense. Suddenly the prophetic gift begins to come like joy, like fire!” He then detailed the three realms of the prophetic, beginning with the fact that all prophecy comes from God. Learn how to move into the anointing. Grab a pen and paper, and then get ready for this life-changing three-part teaching series!
“Today’s church is living in the most exciting time in history,” shares Pastor Benny Hinn as this powerful teaching series continues with the second realm of prophecy—the spirit of prophecy. “The Lord is restoring to the church the power of the Spirit, and as God increasingly pours out His Spirit upon believers today, we can expect an amazing eruption of the prophetic. The anointing of the Holy Spirit enables men and women to prophecy, even those who do not operate in the office of a prophet.” Discover for yourself what the spirit of prophecy is, how to operate in the anointing, and what this involves!
According to 1 Corinthians 14:3
, “He that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort.” On this third segment of this powerful teaching series, Pastor Benny explains; “The gift of prophecy is not the ministry of preaching. It is not to tell the future. The gift of prophecy doesn’t go beyond the borders of edification, exhortation, and comfort. It is the living fire of Pentecost that will enflame and rekindle the hearts of men and women in the church!” Don’t miss Pastor Benny’s unusual story about “dead ducks.” You won’t forget this final message of this three-part series! three video links will b provided above
( eating those in now, with wondr, what if any of the previous notes that follow below, if any of these topic are motioned in videos? )
CULMINATIONS {.. to those topics that follow, the order is not by "recent" but by "most related"; as topics and thems change seem random, it is to be drawn back to a centered place to what streams of thoughts their themes could place in mind...}
Bible verses about Nabi
(From Forerunner Commentary)
Roeh ... means "to see" or "to perceive." It is generally used to describe one who is a revealer of secrets, one who envisions.
Hozeh also means "to see" or "to perceive," but is also used in reference to musicians. It is also used to describe a counselor or an advisor to a king. The Hebrew does not necessarily indicate that the person is a prophet, but rather an advisor—someone who has wisdom. It means "one who has insight." The translators try to indicate whether the message is spiritual. If it is spiritual, then they tend to translate hozeh as "prophet." If it does not give any indication of being spiritually generated, then they would render it "advisor" or "counselor.”
In the Greek language, a prophet is simply "one who speaks for another"—one who speaks for a god, and so interprets the god's will to the people. Hence, the essential meaning in Greek is "interpreter."
Nobody knows whether God intends that any real difference be understood from the usage of the different words, but biblical usage is more important than etymology. In the context of these scriptures, it defines a prophet about as well as possible. The conclusion is that a prophet is one who speaks for another, a representative who carries a message, an expounder of God's Word.
Overall, the Bible's usage conforms most closely to the Greek usage, one who speaks for another. But it is not limited to God. In this situation, Moses and Aaron's relationship is analogous to God and Moses'.
A GENERALIZED EXAMPLE, Oral Roberts: W hen You could see it, when you heard it and knew, and you know you had learned something special to yourself; a shareable outcome from a "tuning in" experience that enabled a feeling or spirit to be about you, one that is present with you wherever you go. (WATCH THE LATEST VIDEO-CLIP OF ORAL ROBERTS )
Defining a reality with an unrealistic influence...?
To healing, now, and times to come and of past; to relate...
...considering the above as an inspiration to understanding the healing process is to realise at some point that healing itself is only one part of the process of life, and even in that part most of the time it happens seemingly as an involintary natural process , un-noticed in our day to day routines; that is, unless it is seems something bigger. ...
...something special to yourself; OR, a shareable outcome from a "tuning in" experience;
Eiter may enable a feeling or spirit to be about you, one that is present with you wherever you go; without having to say anything, at all, and, whether not that anyone recognizes it; ...without having to answer to any on-the-spot- "Do you know what the scriptures say?" type of persuasiveness, or element of control, or character defi-m-ation- or def~form~mation, ...ETC, etc. ; negative experiences may be simalar, and some of those may be concidered negative enough that you know "it is not incorporated as any part of you".
- Her father also asks what she wants; at her request he gives her the upper and lower springs in the Negev (named Gulloth-mayim in Judges).
- “Waters Did Gather” (Ma'amar be-yiqqawu ha-mayim), as shown by Resianne Fontaine in her critical edition and English translation of the former (Fontaine 1995).
- Therefore the author inserted an appositional mayim, "waters," to indicate at once what manner of destruction was meant.
- What could not be claimed by right of possession from Abraham's time was contested, especially in this case where "running water" (Hebrew idiom: "living water," mayim chayyim) was found.
- The water of "separation" or of purification as designated in the Hebrew text is not mayim hayim, pure water, but mayim tahorim, water of purification, - a fluid made of the ashes of
- Wine he calls a septuagenarian, the letters of the Hebrew word for wine (_yayin_) representing seventy, and water a nonagenarian, because _mayim_ (water) represents ninety:
- I wish, sir, they were mayim, hayim for your sake, I do indeed, sir, I wish they were living waters.
- FuzzyDave > oh i'd do six in a heartbeat. but saying i'd do mayim bialik brings more Funny
- _mima_ "water," in Hebrew _shâmayim_ and _mayim_, which we gather from the cuneiform spelling have been wrongly punctuated by the Masoretes, as well as _khaya_ "living," the Hebrew _khai_, and _makhsû_, "they have smitten him," the Hebrew _makhatsu_.
- [14] "Way-yo'hmer 'helohim yehi raquianh be-thok ham-mayim wihi mavdil beyn mayim la-mayim.
Torah on the Web - Virtual Beit Midrash - pesachim17
List of Jewish prayers and blessings - Wikipedia, the free ...
The Sabbath in the Classical Kabbalah
Elliot Kiba Ginsburg - 1989 - Religion
... Havdalah oscillates between ha-mavdil ve-ha-megasher bein qodesh le- hol, ... it is the latter which is the unequivocal Havdalah in the etymological sense of ...Strong's Hebrew: 914. בָּדַל (badal) -- to be divided, separate
Bible Hub
Genesis 1:6 Lexicon: Then God said, "Let there be an ...
Bible Hub
Open Secret: Postmessianic Messianism and the Mystical ...
Elliot R. Wolfson - 2012 - Biography & Autobiography
... to the weekday, ha-mavdil bein qodesh le-ḥol bein or le-ḥoshekh bein yisra'el ... 10,370, 27:379. on the contrast between the two etymologies of the word ...b-hebrew digest: December 14, 2001 - Lists